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How is IoT Redefining The Future Of Video Surveillance?

How is IoT Redefining The Future Of Video Surveillance?

Video Surveillance, The IoT ecosystem is evolving at a rapid pace. It’s becoming more integrated with its surroundings, more sensitive to its happenings and more customized to meet niche requirements. At a time when only sensors, edge computers and embedded systems dominated the IoT space, the entry of surveillance cameras into the IoT environment proved to be a game changer, opening up newer avenues for advanced and airtight surveillance.

The incorporation of smart cameras has been mainly due to the advancements and revolutions in the CCTV camera manufacturing industry over the years. If you observe, surveillance cameras were mostly wired and immobile for decades. It’s only after the launch of wireless and cloud-based CCTV cameras that they started becoming value additions in the IoT space.

If you’ve only recently been following us, we’ve published two extensive posts on the evolution of CCTV cameras and how wireless cameras are changing the world. These will give you insights on how surveillance cameras of today fit better into the topic we are about to explore today.

Let’s get started.

How is IoT Redefining The Future Of Video Surveillance

The Need For Airtight Security Systems

It might sound cliche but crimes are increasing significantly in these times. What’s worse is they are becoming sophisticated. Intruders and attackers are appearing to be a step ahead in carrying out burglaries and crimes and that’s exactly why surveillance cameras are required to monitor and mitigate the occurrence of undesirable events. Not just crimes, there are also instances like outbreaks of fire, smoke, toxic leaks or other hazards that could be instantaneous.

There are less-surveilled places like warehouses, industrial premises, houses that have been locked for prolonged periods of time and more that require perpetual surveillance. There are also public places such as banks, airports, commercial complexes, busy streets and avenues where stringent surveillance is the only way to curb crimes, hunt and track down offenders and pave the way for a safer environment for common people.

However, the surveillance cameras predominantly prevalent today don’t do a complete job of securing a place.


Let’s find out why?

The Current Trends And Technologies In Video Surveillance

Despite being revolutionary in their own terms, the CCTV camera of today are not complete. They are wireless and are technically more sound than their predecessors for sure. However, they are not airtight. They are still passive units that can only help in solving a crime or an incident and not proactively prevent or assist in speeding up investigation processes.

They are more descriptive and not prescriptive or predictive in nature. There is a void that experts in the CCTV camera space would acknowledge and agree to that needs to be filled. And this can only be done with the assistance of sophisticated technologies like data science, computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence and most importantly, IoT.

Emerging Trends In Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance, IoT

Cameras in IoT ecosystems could detect motion or malicious activities and immediately send out notifications to owners and stakeholders. They can even autonomously call 911 or emergency numbers, trigger an alarm or a siren, illuminate the entire premises and do more.

The concept of IoT is wholesome. It provides end-to-end solutions to real-world problems. Surveillance cameras are units with limited powers and abilities when they are standalone devices. However, when you make them part of an IoT ecosystem with sensors and alarms, they could become prescriptive in nature and help serve higher purposes.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is giving machines eyes and the power to see things. It could sound too complicated or futuristic for the uninitiated but computer vision is part of apps we use on a daily basis. Google Lens has computer vision use cases and so do your apps like Instagram and Snapchat.

As far as cameras of today are concerned, they have sight but not vision. Having vision helps you take instantaneous and autonomous decisions that could change the outcomes of an event.

With the help of algorithms, edge computing devices and adequate data training, cameras could be powered by computer vision to see things and process them in real time. For instance, they could detect events or occurrences that could easily go unnoticed to the human eye such as sparks or smoke from equipment, instances of chain snatching or pickpocketing and more. Computer vision-powered cameras could help mitigate such instances through appropriate incident response protocols.

Deep Learning

Video footage has always been analyzed for diverse purposes but deep learning adds a whole new dimension to this. Deep learning is part of machine learning, which is another subset of artificial intelligence – the umbrella term for giving machines the ability to think and respond autonomously.

Deep learning involves complex algorithms and artificial neural networks that are designed to mimic the human brain and its functionalities. With deep learning, surveillance cameras could predict the occurrence of an event or a crime even before they happen.

This is possible with the help of a rigorous training process through the feeding of historic data. Deep learning algorithms can detect patterns that could have never been otherwise detected by manual workforce and come up with insights that could help organizations make necessary arrangements, informed decisions and corrective measures.

From identifying child traffickers in public places to as minute as calling out people not wearing a mask in crowded places, deep learning powered cameras could pull off anything.

Imagine a place like an industrial unit, where potential work-related hazards are minimized as cameras signal stakeholders on employees not wearing a helmet or standard approved shoes for instance. This is game changing.


Incident response is a crucial component in implementing airtight security in premises. The differences of a few seconds in coming up with a response could mean life or death to people. In the current security architecture, this difference is too vast as cameras are only passive and humans have to monitor places constantly and then would rush to a crisis with a response when they notice it.

However, with automation, this gap is filled with automated responses. For instance, a camera could automatically lock the door or gate of a store or a bank when there’s even a slight detection of a hostile environment. This leaves criminals with no time to escape.

Wrapping Up

Security cameras are inevitable aspects in maintaining optimal security in places. However, how impactful the surveillance is and how purpose-driven installations are depend on the technology you choose to power your surveillance systems with.

Now that you have an idea of the possibilities, we recommend getting in touch with us for state of the art security systems that would need no manual intervention at all. Reach out to us today.

Have a Read Once This Blog also:- CCTV Camera Manufacturers Suppliers & Exporters

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